Monday, February 11, 2013

Summer Daze

As I mentioned last post, I've been quiet but not unproductive. Perth in summer can be hot and today is no exception - 42 degrees - but the Perth Fringe Festival is on, the Festival of Arts is about to kick off, and there are a lot of other summer events to tucker a girl out. Aside from the normal working, sewing and housekeeping. Perth Modern Quilt Guild has also kept me a little busy - I've run a workshop on blogging basics and have done a little work on the website. Things feel like they are starting to come together at last.

One of my tips on blogging was to keep your blog consistent. I am blatantly going to break my own rule and give you a series of picture excuses for why I haven't much sewing to show lately...

So far this year, I have:
Hosted two couchsurfers, firstly, Regina from Germany who stayed for three days. We hit the Swan Valley, a wine-growing region about 30 mins east of my home. It's a terrible place - a chocolate factory with free tastings, wineries (with free tastings)...

and all sorts of amazing food...

I've also been hosting Jess from UK. Last weekend, we went down to Fremantle, where the Swan River meets the Indian Ocean and had what we West Aussies like to call a "sundowner" - drinks at sunset.
yours truly

The MisPerception

Fremantle before sunset
These are just a few things that make me feel lucky to live where I do!
Of course I did the obligatory roos and koalas with my couch surfers, but you're probably getting bored of those pictures by now!

Aside from that, I've given Melody some respite from babysitting Scarlett...


And been shoe shopping - for some mysterious reason...

Work has included watching a building go up right outside my window (look at that blue sky!) and building an intranet as well as all sorts of boring fascinating stuff...

And I have driven home from work past bush fires (only little ones).

Which is all in all, a good summary of summery days Down Under for me! What's your summer / winter looking like?


  1. Not a bad way to spend a summer! We've been lucky and not been totally scorched here in Adelaide this year, if anything a bit too cool - who am I kidding, like I minded! But we too have festival season approaching starting with the Fringe later this week and then every other event they can cram into the next month or so, so no doubt a heatwave will come with that just to tick everyone off and keep the beverage makers happy! Cheers!

  2. Great pics! I keep telling my husband that we need to move to the southern hemisphere so I can celebrate my birthday (December 30th) in the summer. :) Have fun enjoying the blue sky and sunshine!

  3. I love how you're spending your summer! I think I would love if some blogger friends would visit me. If ever you're near Scottsdale, AZ (Phoenix) please stay with me! I realize your not next store! But….

  4. Life sounds pretty good! Sounds like you have lots to do and you're not thirsty either - would be a shame in these very hot summer days, lol!
    Hugs - Lurlinđź’•

  5. Sounds like you've been having a good summer!

  6. Looks like a great time despite nasty hot temps.
    I think you can post lots of different things and still remain consistent. If you blog craft, travels, happenings and thoughts, you're still blogging about your life :)

  7. I loved this post. Mixing in a little bit of life outside of sewing is a fun glimpse into people's personalities. And I always enjoy fun pictures of wine, food, beer, and animals and beaches! I like the term sundowner. Think I am going to start incorporating that into everyday use. Thanks for sharing!


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